Very interesting idea of the photographer Mike Stimpson. He makes a reconstruction of scenes from famous photography with pieces of Lego. Here I chose some of the most interesting ones.
“Lunch Atop a Skyscraper” is a reconstruction of the famous 1932 photography of Charles Ebbets.Tiananmen Square is a reconstruction of the photo of Jeff Widener from 1989 “The Unknown Rebel”. I am very impressed by this picture, just look at the small guy who stopped tanks… such a sacrifice. I wonder if this man is still alive and did he realize how many people admired him for this action?
A Lego recreation of Peter Leibing’s 1961 photo of an East German border guard jumping the barbed wire fence during the construction of the Berlin Wall.
A Lego recreation of Robert Capa’s 1944 photo taken during the D-Day landings on Omaha beach during World War II.
A Lego recreation of Joe Rosenthal’s 1945 photo “Raising the flag on Iwo Jima”.
Много интересна идея е хрумнала на фотографът Mike Stimpson. Той прави от конструктор “Лего” сцени от известни фотографии, които после заснима. Най-интересните от тях са: “Обяд на върха на небостъргач” от 1932 на Charles Ebbets, реконструкция на площад Тянънмън по фотографията на Jeff Widener от 1989 “Неизвестния бунтовник”. Това е фотография, която страшно ме е впечатлила. Често се чудя дали мъничкото човече, което спира танковете е оцеляло и дали изобщо си има представа колко много хора от целия свят му се възхищаваме на постъпката? Следва възстановката по снимка на Peter Leibing от 1961г. на източногермански войник, който прескача загражденията на границата по време на строежа на Берлинската стена. Лего сцена по снимката на Robert Capa от 1944 по време на акция от Втората световна война и последната е възстановката по фотографията на Joe Rosenthal от 1945г.
This is really a nice idea!
Happy new week! :)
Check out the lovely Christmas Giveaway on Sweet as a Candy! Good Luck!
we have billions of legos…we have enjoyed them as a family since our children were very small. my son, 13 years old, just got a lego advent calendar from his aunt… may have inspired us all to move in a whole new lego direction…..we have tables full of them….but as our daughter, 14, and son have grown…lately, they have put them aside for facebook and ipods! ……this idea is a gift….thank you.
ii hope i learn how to post pics throughout my blog…i'm still learning!