The House and Spartacus ♥ Къщата и Спартак
What a wonderful and sunny Saturday – I hope it is the same where you live and the mood is good.
I was inspired yesterday by a movie about Spartacus. Great movie and it made me feel proud as I was born also in the same lands where Spartacus was born.. just few (thousand) years later :)
I was looking at the interior in the movie and I was thinking if there is a way to integrate these beautiful antique subjects into the modern lifestyle.
I searched around and I had luck. I found a gorgeous house full of great antique objects from various periods.
Here it is – the house of Peter in Hellerup, Denmark.
Здравейте в тази прекрасна събота. Надявам се времето да е хубаво и да няма никакви следи от лошо настроение.
До късно вечерта вчера се вдъхновявах от филмa “Спартак“. Просто чудесен, но и леко ме кара да се чувствам горда, защото и аз като Спартак съм се родила на същата тази земя… само че малко по-късно. :)
Гледайки интериора във филма се замислих всъщност как ли тези старинни красиви предмети биха намерили своето място в съвременния живот.
Разрових се и имах успех. Намерих прекрасна къща пълна с очарователни стари неща от най-различни епохи. И ето я тук, къщата на Питър в Хелеруп/Hellerup, Дания.

Hi Raru! good morning (its 11:24 am here in Brazil)!! I had to come here to say: Spartacus is one of my favorite movies ever! I have seen it 4 or 5 times. I loooove the film. And now about your post: I think the mix of new+old is fantastic and I really love it all. Come over to see what I have posted today: its all about old furniture because somewhere in time, there was someone using that thing and it has a history!
this is completely incredible!! I could look at these pictures forever! so much beauty, elegance and class!
hope you are having a nice weekend!!