петък 4 юни 2010 radostina ЖИВОТ 3 Sweet love ♥ Сладка любов НазадНапред Stunning photographies by Patricia Snook./ Възхитителни фотографии от Патриша Снук. Сподели това Авторът radostina 3 коментара Adrienne петък 4 юни 2010 17:04 I love how soft and dreamy these images are. Отговор Something White събота 5 юни 2010 01:29 Dear friend,thank you from my heart for your great moral support and all your kind messages which I appreciate! :DIf life always could be as airy and light as these pictures which you show it would be great!! :)Many regards, Marjolijn Отговор Irena понеделник 7 юни 2010 04:20 Толкова нежни цветове, пракрасни фотографии :) Отговор Вашият коментар Отказ
I love how soft and dreamy these images are.
Dear friend,
thank you from my heart for your great moral support and all your kind messages which I appreciate! :D
If life always could be as airy and light as these pictures which you show it would be great!! :)
Many regards, Marjolijn
Толкова нежни цветове, пракрасни фотографии :)