Oh, happy happy Friday ♥ О, щастлив щастлив петък
I want to write so many things today.. everything is so scrambled in my head so I am not sure if it will come out.
Anyway I will try: I am going on Vacation. I am preparing for one week in Italy with a lot of softball, a jolly crowd and gorgeous places to look at. It will be a week with no plans and no schedules. I will go to bed and wake up when I want and I will write here when I find time.
Well.. I just wanted to share with you that finally my “irresponsible” week for this year finally came.
Take good care of yourself while I am gone, don’t forget me and look forward to my stories and pictures from the lovely Italy.
Толкова много неща искам да ви кажа днес… и толкова всичко ми е объркано, че не знам дали ще ми се получи.
Ето ще пробвам отново: аз отивам във ваканция. Приготвям се за една седмица в Италия, с много софтбол, приятна компания и прекрасни места за разглеждане. Ще бъде седмица без планове. Ще си лягам и става, когато си поискам и ще пиша в блога, когато намеря за добре.
Просто исках да ви споделя, че най-накрая моята “безотговорна” седмица за тази година дойде :) .
Пазете се, докато ме няма и не забравяйте да поглеждате отвреме навреме тук, за снимки от красивата Италия.

I will certainly look forward to your stories and pictures from Italy- lovely post as always, much love!
have a splendid vacation! can't wait to see pics and hear about the trip!
just lovely
Italy sounds amazing!
Just came across your blog!
It is lovely!
Oooh fun! Have a wonderful time my dear! I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow, and can't wait :)
If you haven't left yet, make sure to enter my dress giveaway! xo
Oh, lovely! I found you through your photos on WeHeartIt, & I'm so glad! Your blog is beautiful, & the photos are right up my alley! Count me as your newest follower!
Have a fabulous time in Italia! ♥ I was just there about two months ago: Pisa, Cinque Terra, Lucca… You will love it!
Army Wife. European Life. Two Great Danes
{ http://donandamanda.blogspot.com }
Hope you're having a lovely vacation!
Enjoy your "irresponsible" time in beautiful Italy dear Raru! Look so much forward to read your oh so gorgeous posts when you're back!
Have a great weekend, cheers: Evi