Beautiful Macaroons ♥ Красиви макарони
If you are visiting regularly “79 Ideas” maybe you know that I love beautiful looking sweets. Not to eat them… just to watch them for an inspiration. My favorite ones are the French macaroons. Just like this one here from the cute postcards by “dearmachine”.
Unfortunately in the Czech Republic where I live at the moment you can’t find them otherwise I would love to create photo sessions with some beautiful French macaroons.
I wish you know a lovely Thursday.
Ако наминавате по-често през 79 идеи сигурно знаете, че много харесвам красиви сладкиши. Не да ги ям, а да ги гледам. Най-любими са ми френските макарони. Точно като тези тук на красивите картички от “dearmachine”.
За съжаление в Чехия, където живея аз са доста рядко срещани иначе със сигурност бих ви бомбардирала с фотосесии на красиви макарони. :)
Хубав четвъртък ви пожелавам.
Lovely, lovely, lovely….
When I saw the picture, my first thought was… "These things are so pretty.. I could just look at them without wanting to eat one of those…" and when I read what you had to write, you said almost the same thing!! :)
You should try the Parisienne and most famous ones of Pierre Herme. They live in a artistic yellow box and are so delicious both in watching and eating them ;)
Oh Thank you for your comments girls.
Nenou I just check Pierre Herme's website – here … and they have online shop :))) So… THANK YOU :))) I will try it.
They are so beautiful! I don't know where to get them in DC either except frozen, which is just not the same. :-)