Cute Idea: Lace Curtain by “A Beach Cottage” ♥ Симпатична идея за дантелено перде от “A Beach Cottage”
Hey, let me show you a gorgeous idea. It is coming from an amazing blog called “A Beach Cottage” and by the way it is my latest discovery. You know probably how much I miss my sea here so you can imagine what effect a blog called “A beach cottage” has on me. However we will not speak about my feeling right now… let’s talk about а lace curtain. But not just any lace curtain, but the one that Sarah shows in her lovely blog. Isn’t it gorgeous? I think that it is a really gorgeous idea, which fits perfectly to the whole interior.
Ох, нека ви покажа една страхотна идея, моля. Идва от един чуден блог, който се казва “A Beach Cottage” и междувременно е моето последно откритие. Може би някой от вас знаят колко много ми липсва моето море, затова аз честичко обичам да надничам в блогове и сайтове, които имат връзка с морето… Но да не се разсейвам, тъй като не за моите чувства ще говорим в момента. Ще си говорим за дантелено перде. И не за дантелените пердета като цяло, а за това, което Сара показва в нейния красив блог. Не е ли просто прекрасно?
{ images: “A beach cottage” }
Great, great idea, this ads a vintage and feminine touch to the room.
Absolutely Iris :))) I love the idea too! Thank you for the comment. :)
Not only's divine! Brilliant =)
Thanks for sharing Raru!
Невероятно нежно! И в любимия бял цвят!
1111 followers! Nice number!
Hello Eleni, Lina and So sedas :))) Happy that you like it. :))) And the skull – omg… gorgeous :)))
I love your blog))) it is very beautiful))) blind to paddle looks very romantic)))
I love this…sooo pretty.
Wow, that is a great idea. Thank you for posting and sharing her blog.
I have some old crocheted table clothes that my grandmother made when she was young. What a wonderful way to re-purpose them!!