Let’s talk today about symbols that became really modern. Have you noticed how for some period of time there are some things that become really popular and are used everywhere – on T-shirts, on bags, on mugs, in frames. I remember how trendy were.. owls once, then ribbons, even pugs fashion at one point – those illustrations with cute pug and caption: “Pugs no Drugs” :).
Now I’ve noticed recently a new trend with… butterflies. I love butterflies and I decided to be in line with the fashion too – so I created for myself a frame with a yellow butterfly and because I like you a lot, a really really lot :) I made the butterfly in a way so you can use it too if you like it.
Just download the file , print it, put it in a frame and that’s it. :) I made few different butterflies – in yellow, black, pink, pale blue and of course in the color for 2011 according to Pantone (PANTONE 18-2120 Honeysuckle). I hope that you like the idea and at least one will fit in your home :).
Remember, the weekend is for resting, so enjoy it!
Напоследък забелязвам такава вълна и с … пеперуди. Аз много харесвам пеперуди и реших да съм модерна. Затова си направих рамка с жълта пеперуда и понеже сте ми сипматични, дори много симпатични :) направих пеперудата така, че да може и вие да си я използвате, ако ви харесва – изтегляте си я, разпечатвате си файла, поставяте в рамка и готово. Всъщност я направих в няколко различни цвята: жълто, черно, розово, светло синьо и разбира се в цвета за 2011 според Pantone (PANTONE 18-2120 Honeysuckle). Надявам се, че ще харесате идеята и поне една пеперуда ще успее да пасне във вашия дом. :)
Надявам се, че не сте забравили, че уикенда е за почивка, така че му се насладете напълно :).
Thank you!!! :-)
I have also yellow roses in my last post!
o yes , I like it :) It's better than old ugly trend to keep in frames dead dried butterflies or other insects!
Thank you Radostina, just the thing I needed. I have a triptych picture frame that I was trying to figure out what to do with. Now, it'll feature the butterflies in light blue, pink and honeysuckle. How perfect! I'll let you know when it's ready with hopes you'll approve of it.
Hugs and many thanks!
They are lovely! Thank you! Have a nice Sunday.
this is so true..I have seen so meany butterfly t shirts lately!
Love yellow sooooo much too!
gorgeous post and fabulous images1
Това е много подходящ подарък за близък човек!
Hi! My name is Vale, I come from Argentina, but currently I am living in Germany. I love your website! Thanks for the files, I´ve already made my own frame. Your are kindly invited to come and see how it looks like.
All the best, Vale
Love these, so simple but really pretty.