Collection Inspired by the Garden Flowers ♥ Колекция вдъхновена от градински цветя
I found today a very bright and colorful company and I’m in a hurry to share it with you. “Ragged Rose” is a concept created by Dawn Rose. She was recently inspired by her summer house garden in Kent countryside. Dawn actually creates a collection of gifts and homeware based on her passion for beautiful country garden flowers and her love for strong, bold and vibrant colors.
Открих днес много ярка и цветна компания и бързам да ви я покажа. Концепцията за “Ragged Rose” е създадена от Dawn Rose, която се вдъхновява от градината на лятната си къща в Кент. Dawn всъщност създава цяла колекция от подаръци и текстил основана на нейната страст към красивите градински цветя и любовта и към ярките цветове.
{ images: “Ragged Rose” }
wow, i love those vibrant colors. just wonderful to give your bedroom a girlie touch :)
i also like the little accesorizes like the bag.
thank you for sharing. wish you a nice evening, svenja
I still can't believe how textiles can wear the interiors, amazing. I love basic furnitures and colorfull accessories. I arranged my home this way.Thank You for the many colorfull and floral inspirations :)
marta from