Since long time ago I want to share with you the portfolio of a stunning photographer. All pictures created by the Belgian photographer Bieke Claessens are so beautiful and cozy that you will fell in love with them. Stylish and modern are just two of all the superlatives that I can say about it.
От много отдавна искам да ви покажа портфолиото на страхотен фотограф. Всички снимки, създадени от белгийския фотограф/ка Bieke Claessens са толкова красиви и уютни, че ще ви харесат веднага. Стилно и модерно са само два от суперлативите, които мога да кажа за тях.
{ images: Bieke Claessens }
Absolutelly beautiful , first picture is so lovely:) Have a great week!
I just love how fresh and clean everything is! sometimes less is more :)
:) Kate
Beautiful, clean white spaces. Perfection!
Kate {Something Fabulous}
Love the urn with the flowers in the first photo! A great statement piece:)
Beutiful. I love it.