Lovely Supper ♥ Прекрасно вечерно похапване
“Sunday Suppers” are a constant source of inspiration for me when it comes to food and everything related to it. But not only the wonderful recipes that they offer contribute to this, but also the stunning table decoration ideas. This one here is a true masterpiece in my opinion – very stylish and clean.
“Sunday Suppers” са непрекъснат източник на вдъхновение за мен, когато се отнася до храна и всичко свързано с нея. И за това не допринасят само възхитителните рецепти, които предлагат, но така също и прекрасните декорации и идеите, които са вложени в тях. Тази тук е истински шедьовър според мен – стилно и много изчистено.
{ images: Sunday Suppers }
You´ve always posted interesting links. Good site, I´d never heard about it.
I love this so much. I wish I knew what the contents of the thank you gift jars were? I once held a beautiful dinner party for women to honour women- each guest received one of those huge cubes of savon de marseilles soap with a handmade card. People are still talking about it 3years later. My dining table is similar to the one in these pictures. I am thinking I am due to do another dinner party!xxCorrina.
Beautiful photos, absolutely gorgeous! x
Kate {Something Fabulous}
Oh how I would love to be invited for dinner here, wonderful photos!
Beautiful! The table setting is just as important as the food on the plate in my opinion.
m, lovely indeed!
My! The colors are fabulous! So warm and inviting. That would be a dream to own a table like that.
Each guest having a thank you at their space is such a wonderful idea. What, if you don't mind sharing, is in those beautifully colorful jars?
Beautiful, beautiful!
Lovely. I will buy a bkackboard like that – coolest idea. :)