Wonderful Home in L. A. ♥ Чудесен дом в Лос Анджелис
Be inspired by this lovely home near LA. It is so beautifully decorated, with care about the details, with love and with taste about the antique French and European style.
Do you feel some Scandinavian influence there, or is it just me?
Вдъхновете се от този прекрасен дом близо до Лос Анджелис. Той е толкова красиво декориран с много внимание към детайла и любов и още с вкус към античния френски и европейски стил. И вие ли като мен усещате някакво скандинавско влияние тук?
{ images: Birgitta Wolfgang Drejer via: vartnya hem }
you are right! I do!
Tina @ http://www.tinacious.me
The floors are the best !
Wonderful pictures!
Can I live there, please?
I love the mix of old and new styles! This home looks beautiful :)
I love it!!!!
What a beautiful home! I am in love with the bedroom…. that chandelier is just gorgeous! x
Kate {Something Fabulous}
Elegant yet raw, lovely.
MY DREAMS!!!!!!I am in love with alllll..
Your blog is magnificent. Such a variety of stunning photos. Love love love it!!