Grey Love ♥ Любов към сивото
Beautiful grey shades I found in this stunning 17th century house and decided to share it with you. The home is directly on the wharf and has wooden floors and gorgeous stylish and simple interior.
Красиви нюанси на сивото открих в този дом от 17в., който е разположен директно на кея. Има прекрасен дървен под и много стилен и семпъл интериор.
{ images: light locations }
I public this house in my blog this weeK too!!!!!…is fantastic!!!!!!!Hello of spain….
This is one of teh most beautiful houses you have ever posted! For sure!
I love gray almost as much as I love white! Beautiful examples.
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm IN LOVE!!!!!!wonderful!wonderful wonderfulllll!!!!!!
Grey is the new black and such an understated neutral. Great post!
Beautiful house, although gray is not my favorite but looks soooo pretty.