White Villa in South Africa
This wonderful villa is located in South Africa and it was created from scratch. It is a place where the architect Minky Lidchi spends her weekends. It has a wonderful veranda and stunning walls on which the texture was kept. Yes, I just can’t stop staring at this wonderful white brick walls and the stylish decoration everywhere.
Тази приказна вила се намира в Южна Африка и е буквално реставрирана изцяло. Това е мястото, където архитектката Minky Lidchi прекарва своите уикенди. Има прекрасна веранда и изключителни стени, които са боядисани в бяло и запазват текстурата отдолу. Да, аз наистина не мога да престана да се взирам в тухлените стени и стилно декорираните пространства.
{ Photographs Martin Hahn via: house and leisure }
Looks wonderful, very down to earth. I really like the veranda!
Absolutely LOVE this white house as well!!
Those brick walls are amazing!
This home is stunning!
My fave is the kitchen and the outside
Magnificent just love the white rough brick walls and the timber ceiling! Great how they have created an old look from scratch.
Carla x
Beautiful place! Love the white stone walls!
The window! <3