Pastel & Ice cream ♥ Пастелно и сладолед
We started with beautiful, gentle colors and summer mood – I suggest we continue the same way with the lovely photo session by the stylist Charlotte Love and the photographer Johnatan Gooch named “Pastels and ice-cream”. Besides the objects in those lovely colors we should pay attention to the textile too – the curtains and the towels are very interesting and look like they were put for a while in paint so they can represent soft gradient. The other interesting idea which we can use for inspiration are the chairs – painted that way they bring so much good mood in that whole environment. Just an amazing work.
И както си започнахме с красиви, нежни цветове и лятно настроение – предлагам да продължим с прекрасната фотосесия на стилистката Шарлот Лав и фотографа Джонатан Гооч – “Пастели и сладолед”. Освен предметите в този нежен цвят, обърнете внимание на текстила – и пердетата и кърпите за хранене са много интересни, сякаш потопени за мъничко в боя, за да пресъздадат мека преливка. Другата интересна идея, която да ни послужи за вдъхновение са столовете – така боядисани, придават толкова много настроение в цялата обстановка. Просто прекрасна работа.
{ images: johnatan gooch }
I love your chair on last pict.
Is it self-made?
This is wayyy too cute. Who would have thought of bright happy chairs like that. I have a dozen chairs in my shed just waiting for some pastel loving!
Beautiful photos. Love the mirror in the first picture!
Love it! Perfect for the summer:))
Does that chairs have name or something? I'm looking for one of those like crazy
Hello girls and thank you for your comments. :) You make me really happy. Thank you.
Aitor – try to look for Boraam farmhouse wood chair :)
Beautiful! The way she works with colour is delicious!
Such a great summer colour palette. Love the colour-blocked chairs.
I love this, especially the dip dyed curtains.
Ooh, really nice pics!!!
really nice pics!!!
so cute!
These colors are fabulous!
Love your blog, so cool …