Парти украса с балони
What a wonderful idea for party decoration!
Balloons and garlands in gold and pink. All this is coming from a girl who calls herself a “certified balloonatic and Master Balloon-Trooper”- Juhan “Jihanimo” Zencirli and her lovely company “Geronimo”. If you visit the Geronimo website you will find a lot more inspiration and charming balloon party ideas.
P.S. If you see some strange changes on 79ideas.org today please do not be scared, the fault is not in your computer :) – I’m just doing some changes in the blog design to make it even more fresh and beautiful :)
Каква чудесна идея за парти декорация, нали? Балони и гирлянди в златно, розово и жълто. И всичко това идва от момиче, което нарича себе си “сертифициран балонатик и главен балонен офицер” и нейната чудна компания “Geronimo”. Ако посетите сайта и ще откриете още много вдъхновение и чаровни балонени парти идеи.
И едно важно съобщение: ако забележите странни промени и изменения в блога днес, не се плашете – зад всичко това стоя аз, която се опитвам да добавя някакви промени в 79 ideas, за да си разкрася блогчето.
// images: geronimo
OH i love this party !!!So amazing colour and garlands!!
Quiero una fiesta como esa …
No te pierdas Satchel Bag en
The gold tassles and balloons look so amazing and celebratory together! And macaroons :O could it get any better?!
I like the new look!
Oh, thank you girls for you comment. I'm so happy that you noticed the small changes :)
This set is amazing. I am glad I notice some similar design aesthetics we both implement into the images we use for posts (the colored dots) :)
Lisa | Happy By
Hi girl! First and foremost, congratulations on your new look. Divine! And second of all, I love this post on the balloons, now that is what I call celebrating in style.
xoxo Susana from Two Clouds in the Sky
Fantastic work, congratulations! i love yours ideas for party decorations, thay are so cute and funy.
The decorations with balloons looks very beautiful and would be a perfect birthday decoration. The kids will love this kind of decorations very much.