Another Lovely Project by Design Studio “Jute” // Още един чудесен проект от дизайн студио “Jute”
Few times already I have written a post about the work of the California based studio “Jute”. The first time it was about the gorgeous bungalow in California full of very cute details and the second it was about a lovely home studio. Today I would like to show you another project of theirs – a kitchen and a living room with great ideas and lovely style. Enjoy.
Вече няколко пъти съм писала за работата на студиото от Калифорния “Jute”. Първият път това беше за една чудесна виличка в Калифония пълно с много симпатични детайли, а втория път за страхотно домашно студио. Днес бих искала да ви покажа още един техен проект – кухна и всекидневна с чудесни идеи и стил.
// images: “jute”
Great kitchen ''headboard''!
I love the way they've done the kitchen table! and I love the chalkboard!
wow! love the seating/eating area, absolutely lovely!!
I want it too.
This is all girls dream of the menu, I will have a learn from you and it will useful some day. Thank you for sharing. the author is observation also very much to have the vision