House with interesting ideas in New York City // Дом с интересни идеи в Ню Йорк
Are you ready today for a small virtual walk to New York, where in Upper West Side there is a house, that was waiting for more than ten years its owner to reconstruct it. And it was worth it.
I like this house because it combines white walls, dark floors and furniture with refreshing turquoise accents. Very clean and bright, it contains some great ideas that can inspire you if you have a small space at home. Particularly impressive to me are the cabinets – staircase inspired by Japan and the great white brick walls.
Предлагам днес да се поразходим до Ню Йорк, където в Уест Ъппар Сайд има къща, чакала повече от десет години своя собственик да я реконструира. И си е струвало.
Харесвам много този дом, защото комбинира бели стени, тъмни подове и мебели, с освежаващи тюркоазени акценти. Много изчистена и светла, тя съдържа няколко чудесни идеи, от които можете да се вдъхновите, ако разполагате с по-тясно пространство у дома. Особено любими за мен са тук са шкафовете – стълби, вдъхновени от Япония и страхотните бели тухлени стени.
I love everything in New York!!!!
The apartment is so impressing.
The staircase is perfect … and clever use of space below…
Staircase is very interesting. And anyway the whole place works for me very nicely.
it's fantastic! I love it!
the use of space in that apartment is done brilliantly. love all the clean lines!
I love the brick effect on the walls and all the blue accessories and details. The staircase has an interesting look.
'Like the storage and the light!!!!
Space is used so well …