Charming Collection by RED Valentino // Чаровна колекция от RED Valentino
I rarely talk about fashion on 79 ideas but the fall-winter collection of RED Valentino deserves our attention. Extremely feminine, with cute retro look and exceptional elegance – the whole photosession is like a fairytale.
Зная, че не е много обичайно в 79 идеи да си говорим за мода, но есенно-зимната колекция на RED Valentino просто си заслужава вниманието. Изключително женствена с ретро привкус и безконечна елегантност, цялата фотосесия сякаш е извадена от някоя красива приказка.
via: fashionisers
You can´t help but love this collection. The details are all.
Thank you for sharing…love it! Do you happen to know who the artist is for the ever so sweet fairytale backgrounds? ~H♥~
Hello Heather,
Unfortunately I don't know the name of the artist, but his/her work is so pretty and delicate.
Thank you for the comment and wish you a lovely day.
The outfits are absolutely adorable, but honestly what I really pulled me in for this post was the amazing backdrops that they used. Gorgeous, whimsical work and they are perfect for this clothing line. Thanks for sharing!
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