Cozy home office // Уютен домашен офис
This beautiful home office inspired me today. The simplicity and all the materials are just wonderful and created such a gorgeous atmosphere. Adding the the stunning windows (oh, how much I love big windows) and the whole picture is completed. It is so nice and pretty.
Този чудесен домашен кът ме вдъхнови днес. Изчистеността и всички материи използвани тук са страхотни и и създават толкова приглушена атмосфера. И когато към всичко това добавим прозорците ( aх, колко много обичам големи прозорци), картината се допълва. Толкова е приятно и красиво.
images: emma lee
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Beautiful! I loved it!
Very inspiring!
Mari – blog
So cozy and inspiring!
I like dipped in color stools!
as someone working from home I would love to see more ideas about how to make my place cozier :)
sure :) no problem… the home office is my favorite corner :)
happy that you like it dear mary.