на много вдъхновяващо място попаднах днес благодарение на my scandinavian home – много хитро и красиво жилищно пространство. това всъщност е един от многото лофтове в бивш склад в белгийския град antwerp, belgium. студио birdy заедно с катриeн от “come on! architects”, са създали този чудесен апартамент със скромните 40 кв. метра. за да увеличат визуално пространството са заложили на бели стени и много светло и приятно дърво. и всичко това е просто чудесно според мен.
photography: lisa van damme and ian hermans
The wood looks like plywood..if so that is creative. My husband and son just built a rock wall out of plywood in his bedroom with a half dome design and the wood looks very similar. Its really cool. I need to share it on my blog.
Nice place! I always love white floors. And the flowers on it. So simple and so fabulous.
Nice day to you
I really like it. Greetings :)
Really nice and cute little space! I love how neat, simple and peaceful for the eye it is. The black details on the kitchen chairs, the white floor, the flower vase (on the floor) and the lighting are my favs. Thanks for sharing Radostina :)
I love small spaces and I dream about my own one :)))
beautiful space! admire everyone who can live this way and wish to do the same … one day.
lovely interiors. Its just awesome.
chennai interiors