Polaroid Flower Vase ♥ Полароидна ваза
Good morning everyone take a look on this great idea – Polaroid Flower Vase designed by Hwajin Jung from South Korea.
Добро утро на всички. Погледнете каква прекрасна идея – ваза, имитираща полароидна снимка, по дизайн на Hwajin Jung от Южна Корея.
Oh what a nice idea!
Thank you Federica { love your blog :) }, for your comment. I love the idea… but I'm not sure how long this flower will survive in such a small vase. But I'm not a specialist… actually I think I'm a serial murder of flowers :( I mean I love them… love to have them at home… but they just don't survive :(
Hope you will have a great week :)