Photography spot: Ralph Grew ♥ Местенце за фотографиите на Ралф Грю
Ralph Grew is a freelance fashion, beauty and celebrity photographer shooting for magazines like the Italian, Spanish and Japanese Vogue, Vanity Fair Spain etc. Born in Germany, now living in Paris he creates amazing advertising campaigns such as this one here for Moet.
Ralph Grew е фотограф на свободна практика, който снима мода, бюти и известни личности за списания като Италианския, испанския и японския Vogue, Vanity fair Испания и др. Роден в Германия и живеещ в Париж Ралф е автор на такива прекрасни рекламни кампании като тази тук за шампанското Моет.
very naughty (hehehehe)! and very pretty :)
love your blog!
Such glamourous photos!~ I hope you have a lovely week! xx
I´ve been following your blog now for about a month, since I discovered it, and I have to tell you, it is one of my favorite blogs! There are always so many interesting and inspiring photos in here! Every time a new post shows up on my RSS-feed, I am intrigued to see what it is this time :-) I just wanted to let you know, that I really appreciate your work, you do an excellent blog-job!
Много интересни снимки.