Prague is extremely beautiful when it is snowing. I wanted to show it to you in that way, but I wasn’t prepared – I took with me only my Zenith – an old film camera – and I think that I desperately need some focusing lessons :)
Nevertheless I think that you can still find something interesting even in these not focused pictures ;)
Прага е изключително красива, когато вали сняг. Искаше ми се да ви я покажа по по-различен начин, но бях със стария си лентов апарат и мисля, че отчаяно се нуждая от уроци по фокусиране :).
Въпреки това си мисля, че може да откриете нещо интересно дори и в тези безфокусни снимки.
Прекрасни са! Липсата на фокус им придава още по-мечтателен вид.
Ilove your pics of snowy Prague. I am a British girl living in Brno in the Czech Republic and I love Prague, but I have not seen it in the snow yet.
We have lots of snow where I live. It is beautiful. I will post some snow pics to my blog soon.
Have a happy snow day,
Tracy x
Those photos are amazing!!! I love winter:)
На мен много ми харесват. Изключителни са!Зимни, потайни…завладяващи…някак приказни
Wow. Thank you. I'm so happy that you liked them… I have to admit that I was little bit disappointed when I first saw all the pictures without focus but now I feel better.
@Motyl: BTW I also live in Brno and when I look out of my window and see the snow outside I am sure you will have material for good snowy pictures soon :)
*sigh* so much snow and winter atmosphere! It's so hot in Greece these days it's like summer =(
stunning photos!!!