Shopping Therapy: “Runaway Coast” ♥ Шопинг терапия: “Runaway Coast”
Personally I love this activity, I bet you too so I suggest we look at few very charming shops today. In each of them you can find something special. Let’s start.
“Runaway Coast” is small shop with extremely beautiful things for home – fabrics, wallpapers, homewares, crafts and stuff for kids. I like a lot the clean design and every single product there reminds me of the sea, which, as you know I love. It exists for almost 2 years and it is proud with the label “Handmade in Britain”. Here are some of the products that I like the most.
Аз лично обожавам да го правя и днес съм подбрала за вас малка селекция от много весели магазинчета, които бих искала да ви представя. В тях има по нещо много много специално. Започваме.
“Runaway Coast” е магазинче с изключително красиви неща за дома – текстил и тапети, за деца, подаръци. Много ми допада чистия дизайн и това, че почти всеки продукт много ми напомня за морето, което знаете че обожавам :). “Runaway Coast” съществува от 2 години и много се гордее с мотото “ръчно направено в Британия”. Ето и малка част от нещата, които ме впечатлиха.
So sweet! I can feel the sea and the sand!
Dear Radostina! Shopping? Where? When? lol…
Go ghopping it´s one of my professional activities (I´m a fashion personal shopper) Wow! I really enjoy to go shopping and the images are so inspiring!
Dear Radostina! Shopping? Where? When? lol…
Go ghopping is one of my professional activities (I´m a fashion personal shopper) Wow! I really enjoy to go shopping and the images are so inspiring!
Love all the red white and blue!