♥ Photography spot: Ben Dearnley ♥
When we talk about beautiful food photography and not only, we can’t miss one of my favorite photographers – Ben Dearnley. He has great depth in his pictures and deserves only admiration for his work.
Ben has been shooting still life, food and lifestyle photography since 1995. Has a great portfolio, including pictures for magazines like “Vogue”, “Australian Gourmet Traveler”, “Delicious” etc. Ben works in Sydney, Australia and I hope that you won’t get hungry as I did, while browsing his portfolio here.
Когато говорим за красива фотография на храна, а и не само няма как да не ви покажа един от любимите ми фотографи – изключителния Ben Dearnley. Такава дълбочина постига той със снимките си, че няма как да не събуди възхищение.
Бен обикновено се интересува от натюрморти, храна и лайфстайл снимки от далечната 1995г. Има страхотно портфолио, което включва снимки за Australian Gourmet Traveller, Delicious, Vogue и др.
Бен работи в Сидни, Австралия и аз искрено се надявам да не сте гладни, когато посещавате неговото портфолио ето тук.
{ images: Ben Dearnley }
wonderful photos! xoxo
oh my god !! the pictures are so amazing
Yep, Shabs… Ben is really talented photographer. :)))
Lindas imagens, parabéns
im now following you on bloglovin, great blog!
Впечатляващи снимки,благодарности за споделената красота!!!
My son is a professional photographer and he says it takes a whole new set of skills to photograph food. This is beautiful! Great post. xx's
wow! these photos are gorgeous! Seriously! I want to pin every one of them! but they also make hungry! Really beautiful! thanks for sharing!
Heather from lifeofapasseri.blogspot.com
Beautiful photos! Makes me want to get into the kitchen and cook something amazing!!
I could watch these pictures for hours ;)
beautiful, beautiful photos
I absolutely LOVE the mood of your pictures. Soul stirring and inspirational! Thank you for making my day shine!
Just came across your work, so fantastic.. love the photography and styling… your a big inspiration :)