♥ Stylist: Robyn Glaser ♥
There is something beautiful hidden even in the most ordinary things. You just have to see it, right? This is one of the reasons while I still love to browse the portfolio of the stylist like Robyn Glaser. I just love how simple everything there is… it looks like there wasn’t a stylist… just the real situation.
Има нещо красиво скрито дори и в най-обикновените неща. Просто трябва да го открием, нали? Това е и една от причините да обичам да се ровя в портфолиото на стилиста Robyn Glaser. Много ми харесва колко истинско е всичко там, сякаш не е дело на стилист, а просто сцена от истинския живот.
{ images: robyn glaser }
Loving all of these images. Great post. :)
I would love if you could stop by my celebrity style and fashion blog sometime.
Yes, it looks like there wasn't a stylist… but the devil is in the details ;)
Just lovely, Rodostina. Come see me when you have time, I've got a great post up today…