Charming Cottage in French Country Style ♥ Прекрасна лятна къща във френски провинциален стил
Is there anyone who doesn’t like the French country style? I guess no or I just don’t want to know, because I love it. And especially love the way this style was implemented here by Marita in her summer house, which was built in 1950s.
I adore that wooden floors and the cozy old furniture most of them painted in white. Furthermore some great fabrics could be seen there – beautiful bed sheets with lace and monograms.
Really beautiful and delicate home with lots of feminine touch.
Има ли някой, който да не харесва стилът на френската провинция? Предполагам, че няма или просто аз не искам да зная, защото аз лично много го харесвам. И особено много ми добада как този стил е приложен тук от Марита в нейната лятна къща, която е построена през 1950г.
Обожавам тези бели дървени подове и удобните стари мебели, повечето от които реиновирани и боядисани в бяло. Също така впечатляващ навсякъде е текстила – красиво спално бельо с дантела и монограми.
Изобщо впечатляващ и нежен е този дом с много женствено излъчване.
{ images: boligpluss }
Wisch you a nice friday!!!! Hugs Johanna
i like it!!:)
Ooooh! Love white paneling! It reminds of me this white furniture set from Bassett Furniture I've been loving for months. I think I even did a blog post about it myself!
Here's the set I'm talking about:
it is all so very pretty and cosy.
It is not over the top and grand – it says to me "come in and stay a while"
Lovely post
Loulou (Australia)
Hallo, very nice for staying in a few days on holiday.
Very nice. I love the atmosphere of the last photo!
Love your web I add it to my blog
Just discovered your blog from New Zealand. Loving it. You have a great eye. Jane :)
The kitchen is just perfect:)
very nice. It´s perfect.
I also love it…. It is so fresh but warm. Have a nice week!