A Cottage in Blue, Gray and Green ♥ Вила в синьо, сиво и зелено
Just a month ago New York Times told us and showed us a really charming house which I would like to share with you today. The house is the place in which the interior designers Eliot and Alexandra Angle ran out of the big city Los Angeles and found rest and relaxation near the nature. The whole place is really magnetic, full of calmness and romance.
The house design is based on the color palette of the surrounding land, the sea and the sky. You can find more than 10 different shades of blue, gray and green. Probably you can feel also some inspiration from the Scandinavian aesthetics and to enjoy the items taken directly from the nature and turned into furniture – as this driftwood chair for example or the table in the bedroom. More pictures and information about this great place in Nova Scotia you can find in the New York Times article.
За една много чаровна къща разказа преди близо месец New York Times и днес аз бих искала да ви я покажа. Тя е мястото, в което интериорните дизайнери Eliot и Alexandra Angle бягат от шумотевицата на Los Angeles и намират уединение и покой. Самото място е наистина магнетично и лъха на спокойствие и романтика.
Дизайнът на къщата е вдъхновен от цветовете на заобикалящата среда, морето и небето – използвани са десет различни варианти на синьото, сивото и зеленото. Забелязва се и някакво вдъхновение от скандинавската естетика и предмети взаимствани изцяло от природата, като този изключителен стол, направен от изхвърлени от морето дървета и нощтната масичка в спалнята. Повече снимки и информация за това магнетично място в Нова Скотия можете да откриете тук.
{ images: new york times }
I have it saved in my inspiration file and it's simply gorgeous! A perfcet combination of rustic and modern elements.
very very charming place and I love the blue tones they used to paint the walls… could adopt that :)
Super charming….
Absolutely. Did you mention how much widows this place has… so much light and those colors…
Thank you for the comments girl. I hope all of you will have a great day. ;)
I love this! What an amazing serene view and that kitchen is to die for.
This is simply gorgeous! I love your blog, its so inspiring!! ♥
What a gorgeous home! I love everything about it.
Wow haere is many beautiful furniture available and you can choose any design and furniture and than design your house nay types. muskoka chair