A New Designer to Remember: Ulyana Sergeenko ♥ Впечатляващ нов дизайнер: Ульяна Сергеенко
I’m so excited to tell you about the first collection of the great Russian designer – Ulyana Sergeenko. Her debut look book, which she describes as “illustration of Soviet Vogue 1950s” is so sweet and delicate… it reminds a little bit of the young ladies from the Soviet Union.
Actually Ulyana is a popular photographer in Russia and this is her first look book for Fall/Winter 2011. I think Ulyana and her team did great job – I love the dresses, the mood, the styling and the photography.
I’m curious if you like Ulyana’s ideas and would you be willing to buy some of her dresses?
Много съм въодушевена да ви разкажа за първата колекция на една чудесна руска дизайнерка Ульяна Сергеенко. Нейната първа колекция, която тя дефинира скромно като “Илюстрации към съветския Vogue от 50-те години”, е много симпатична и нежна. Напомня много за младите руски жени от времето на Съветския съюз.
Всъщност Ульяна е известна фотографка в Русия и това е нейната първа look book за сезонът есен/зима 2011. Мисля, че Ульяна и нейният екип са свършили прекрасна работа – много харесвам дрехите, настроението, което създават, стайлинга и разбира се, самите фотографии.
Любопитно ми е харесвате ли идеите на Ульяна и склонни ли сте да носите някоя от нейните дрехи?
{ images: etoday }
These I absolutely love! Especially the first outfit, the black dress and the amazing bag – not to mention those gorgeous gloves too. Beautiful find, definitely a name to watch out for.
This is such a pretty look book. I love the contrast between the modern style shoes and the classical style clothing
I adore the juxtaposition of the tamed and the outrageous (the red shoes are the ultimate fashion statement). I, too, heart the first dress, its flow, colour, the undermined presence, they all speak to me. Thanks for pointing the designer. I will be watching closely, now.
beautiful photos and dresses, my favourite is the second photo, amazing!!!
Абсолютно и категорично да! Невероятни са!
♥♥♥♥ it.. this is soooo pin-up!
Впечатляваша наистина! Страхотни модели!
I saw them somewhere the other day and I thought they where incredible. Anastasia would look like this now a days.
That first dress is my favourite here: beautiful shape and lovely green colour. (I think the model should wear a bra, by the way… :))
The last one is great as well. If not too expensive, I would buy them, yes.
Hello hello and thank you for your comments. I'm happy that you like it – personally I think that the first and the last dresses are the best. Do you know that the last one is something like a school uniform from those Soviet Union times?
oh my just so stunning! love the shoes and the pop of color! such a lovely blog, love coming here each day!
Beautiful photos with beautiful dresses :D
Oh my, these are beautiful! The first two are my favourites: love the style, the fabrics, that aqua toned outfit is gorgeous!
Wow! I love the dresses….beautiful!
Lovel, is it ok for me to borrow the pictures and link to your blog from mine? hugs, johanna
Дрехите са страхотни, бих ги носила всички, до една! :)
Радостина, приветствую! Да, ты права, два последних платья – это стилизация моделей школьной формы, которую носили девочки в Советском Союзе. Представляешь, я носила такую форму. Мне, кажется, это очень красиво, когда сшито из хороших тканей и надето на красивые фигуры:)))
Первое платье – бесподобное, великолепное. Мне кажется в нем себя можно почувствовать настоящей богиней:)))
Dear me this is a feast to the sore eyes! I enjoyed the collection so very much, thanks for sharing it. xx