Photography Spot: Alex Profit ♥ Фотографиите на Алекс Профит
Absolutely gorgeous are the photos of Alex Profit. So few objects but arranged so aesthetically good. I personally am very impressed by this type of photography and I hope you’d like it too.
More for the talented photographer you can find in his portfolio.
Страхотни са фотографиите на френския фотограф Алекс Профит. Толкова малко предмети, а така чудесно аранжирани естетически. Лично на мен този тип фотографии ми създават особено силно впечатление. Надявам се и на вас. Повече работи на талантливия фотограф, можете да откриете в неговото портфолио.
{ images: alex profit via: desire to inspire}
Wow wow wow, nice pictures!!!
Is this in Portugal? 'Toalhas para a praia' it's portuguese ;)
Radostina, I love your new header! The photos are very beautiful!
Havre a great week!
the black tub is my favorite!
Hello girls :). Thanks for the comments.
@Maria: unfortunately I don't know where exactly this picture was taken, but it is possible to be in Portugal – why not :). Stunning place by the way. Can you tell us what these words mean?
@Verena: thank you for your compliment. It makes me really happy. :)
@Vintageveggie: I see the tube like dark grey, but no matter the color… this is my favorite picture too ;)))
Amazing pictures, totally love the photography
v nice pictures! remind me of the gorgeous light in Greece and Spain..
Uauu!! Perfecto! Siempre nos ha gustado una arquitectura con los materiales aparentes! Enhorabuena, las imagenes estan maravillosas!
Equipo Atelier Decor
"Toalhas para a praia" means "beach towels". And it surely looks like Portugal – maybe Alentejo or Algarve (by the architecture). :)
aa, great places to live in. Look very cool, cool in the summer
Thanks for all your comments, you can have a look at my new website to see where the pictures come from !