Caravan Style
A really charming flat I found today while browsing the portfolio of the talented photographer Inga Powilleit. It is located in London and it is such a wonderful place where the owner collects her own favorite vintage items. Personally I love the dining table with the chairs and I found the living room really pretty especially that leather armchair with the flower illustration. Everything here shows that the person who lives here is really special with an interesting taste and passion for colors. Emily is an owner of “Caravan store” who offers cute vintage items for which if you are curious you have to click here.
1. Little Metal Tea Set 2. Jielde Pendant Lamps 3. Hot Water Bottle 4. Bambi Lamp 5. Jielde Desk Lamps
Много симпатичен апартамент открих днес докато разглеждах портфолиото на талантливата фотографка Inga Powilleit. Намира се в Лондон и представлява чаровно място, в което собственика си събира любимите му винтидж предмети. Лично аз много харесах трапезарията с красивата маса и винтидж столове, а така също и всекидневната с прекрасния кожен фотьойл и илюстрация на цветя. Всичко тук показва, че собственика има отношение към предметите с история, има интересен вкус и обича цветовете. И в действителност е така – Емили е собственик на магазинчето “Caravan”, което предлага много дребни предмети и аксесоари, за които ако сте любопитни, трябва да кликнете тук.
{ images: inga powilleit via: sanctuary }
Dear Radostina, Thanks for sharing such a lovely face. Love the fact that the apartment has its own personality and spirit which cannot be copied.
The living room is my favourite place! I have to check out the store :)
Oehh i like that lamp with the roses, and that wall art image :D
Gorgeous space! The first thing that caught my eye was the patchwork vintage scarf curtain that seems to separate her workspace from her living space. I've been dying to make one of those!
I'm so impressed that the rooms are able to be so eclectic and yet have the rooms look pulled together at the same time!
This is a fabulous flat… wonderful. xv
What an amazing blog, I'm so happy I found you :) You've got a new follower!