The Danish Designer Louise Roe ♥ Датската дизайнерка Louise Roe
I know it was quiet here these days but we will catch up quickly.
Have you heard about Louise Roe? Louise is a clothes designer, who in the recent years Is also interested in interior design. She uses quality materials, combination of bright and dark, raw and feminine, simple and rustic. For her collections we can say that are inspired both by the nature and by the city life. Here is a small selection of the things that impressed me the most.
зная че от няколко дни е тихо на това местенце, но сега ще бързам да си наваксам. Чували ли сте за Louise Roe? Louise е дизайнерка на дрехи, която от няколко години се занимава също с интериорен дизайн. Използва качествени материали, комбинация от светло и тъмно, сурово и женствено, семпло и рустикално. За колекциите и може да се каже, че са както вдъхновени от природата, така и от градския живот. Ето и малка селекция на нещата, които лично мен ме впечатлиха.
Beautiful pictures :) Thanks for the inspiration.
Hi, is the first time I post a comment in your blog, even if I follow you from a lot of time. Sorry for my bad english but i don't write in english very often, and my knowledge has stopped at school XD.
Anyway, I follow your blog with big interest and images that you post are so inspiring for me. Those ones are so wonderful, I love them.
Love the textures and color, will have to check out this designer!
It's just gorgeous! The colours on the first picture..
great to see this post!
I will be having a new giveaway tomorrow! on my concept blog… and giving a way a set of louise-roe Towels ;)
I would love you to join in !
Glad I found this post, a design that has a combination bright and dark is great idea actually. I love all the designs above and I got some ideas to apply for my room.