One Room in Few Pictures ♥ Няколко снимки от една стая
Yes, indeed, here we have few photos from a room that it is both a living and dining room. It is pretty simple but still there are few details that I think you will like too. Let’s start with the color palette and finish with the stunning old sewing machine and the chairs.
Да, наистина това са няколко фотографии от една малка стая, която съвместява едновременно всекидневна и трапезария. Въпреки простотата си обаче тук има няколко впечатляващи детайла, които си мисля, че ще се харесат на вас. Като започнем от цветовата схема и завършим със чудесната шевна машина и столовете.
{ images: fantastic frank }
I love the contrast between the classical ceiling and the modern lamp.
I love the old sewing machine too!
My dear, I'd like to wish you and your dear family a so Happy and Wonderful New Year full of so much blessings and love! Thanks so much, my dear, for all the beautiful inspirations you share with all of us! Love all of them so much! Kisses, Rachel :))))))
Love those details!
There is lots to love in this seemingly spare room.