Small Apartment in Stockholm ♥ Малък апартамент в Стокхолм
Would you like to take a look at a very lovely small apartment in Stockholm? It is a perfect example of an elegant and tasteful solution with clean lines. There is a bright bedroom, living room facing the street, wonderful dining area and all this in only 53 sq. meters. More pictures you can see here.
Искате ли да разгледате чудесен малък апартамент в Стокхолм, който е пример със своите елегантни решения и изчистени линии. Светла спалня и дневна с изглед към оживена улица, прекрасна трапезария и всичко това само в 53 кв. м. Повече снимки оттук.
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Small ? My appartement is wayy smaller. But i like the style :)
This is simply Awesome Design n decorated house! love this ideas. thanks :)
It's a perfect appartement! I can live in bigger place of course, but this one is good enough. Love white color in interior design.