Beautiful Winter ♥ Красива зима
It was without plan, but I really love the snow here in Prague … and I wanted to share it with you. Little bit in different way, but it is my way. I hope that you have a great day.
Този пост не беше изобщо планиран, но аз наистина харесвам, когато вали сняг в Прага и ми се искаше да го споделя с вас. Мъничко по по-различен, но пък мой си начин. Надявам се да имате чудесен ден.
{ image: radostina }
yah i agree i love the snow its so gorgeous :))
so delicate!!!
i like "your way"…
the idea is super nice and the cup is adorable.. :)
enjoy prague!
xx svenja from
Lovely picture. I think the snow is very pretty, I just don't really like the cooooold that's here right now :) I can't help it, I'm a spring person. ;-)
Have a lovely wednesday.
I love this picture. Your blog is lovely;)