Despite Of the Weather – Summer House ♥ И отново лятна къща, напук на времето
I openly protest against this awful cold weather! I think that while everyone constantly speaks about global warming it is not fair to have temperatures below -10°C and in some places in South Europe even below -20°C. But as I am not good at protesting and I don’t really know how I can change anything we can just imagine that it is warm summer and we will take a look at one of my favorite summer houses. It is located in Great Britain, surrounded by gorgeous green garden and is just a house from the dreams.
Протестирам срещу това ужасно студено време. Смятам че на фона на очакваното глобално затопляне, не е редно температурите да са под -10, на места и под -20 и то в Южна Европа. И тъй като не зная с какво да протестирам, ще го направим като си представим, че е прекрасно топло лято и разгледаме една от любимите ми летни къщи. Намира се във Великобритания, заобградена е от приказна зелена градина и е просто къща мечта за мен.
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I am currently in Thailand but sitting in a cafe hissing from the rain, which reminds me of home back in England, and every winter abou feb time I am always wishing for those summer days! This house is beautiful – thanks for sharing.
I dont think i could send my summer in England, i find it so cold!
Lovely place though!
Love, Eli
WOW! That's a lovely little house!!
i absolutely agree!! making the best of the weather here andl ooking forward to summer..juss not able to go out as much!!
xoxo hanz