How to make your own colorful Easter eggs ♥ Как да си направите свои собствени шарени яйца за Великден
Last year when I showed you my Easter decoration many of you asked how I dye my eggs, so I decided to show you my method.
Here is my small tutorial how to dye your eggs quickly and easily.
The same way you can dye only the egg-shells, which afterwards could be used as small vases – I think it is very cute idea. If you have any questions please leave a comment and I would be happy to answer.

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Миналата година, когато ви представих моята Великденска украса, получих много запитвания, за това по какъв начин боядисвам у дома яйцата. Този път реших да ви изпреваря и да ви направя мъничък туториъл как да си боядисате лесно и бързо шарени яйца.
По същия начин можете да боядисате и само черупката на яйце, която да използвате за вазичка. Получава се доста симпатично. Ако имате някакви въпроси – не се притеснявайте да ги зададете, ще се радвам да отговоря.
{ images: radostina }
really cute radostina :) wish you a nice day, hugs, svenja
Aaah.. what a realy lovely eggs!!!! Very nice idea!!! ♥ greetings! Herma
I want to know how you reached that color, it's very pretty. And is there a video with how you made them or?
Alright, i saw now the pictures:D cool:D
they look soooo great! love love love the colours! have a creative day and thanks so much for sharing! di
Oh, this is so cool! I´m going to try it right away!
Thank you so much for sharing!
Hello girls :) Thank you so much for your lovely comments. I'm so happy that you liked the DIY. Thanks.
Great video! Lovely new way to show something on your blog! Love Lia
седефени бои ли си използвала?и как се казват тези цветя които са като букетче?
One of my fondest memories growing is painting Easter eggs with my dad, it's such a lovely family traditions :) great post!
Thank you for the gorgeous inspiration! This is such a lovely idea. x
Kate {Something Fabulous}
WOW I have never seen this quick and easy way to dye eggs. I am definitely going to use this method. Thank you for this post!
Happy Easter
Amanda xo
Елементарно, но много ефектно!
Wonderful idea!!!
Супер яйчна идея!
Wonderfull egg idea! I like it!