Barn with Finnish details ♥ Къща с детайли от Финландия
Are you curious to see a wonderful American home “Full of Finland”? You can see there design chairs and gorgeous prints by Marimekko. I just cannot miss mentioning the charming butterfly wallpaper in the guestroom, created by the finnish artist Birger Kaipiainen. More about this house you can see here.
Любопитни ли сте да разгледате един чудесен американски дом “пълен с Финландия”? В нея можете да откриете чудесни неща – от изпипани дизайнерски столове, до чудесните принтове от Маримеко. Аз лично не мога да не спомена и страхотния пеперуден тапет на финланския артист Birger Kaipiainen. Повече за къщата можете да прочетете тук.
{ images: new your times }
what a superbeautiful living room! and what a nice wallpaper.. too cute :)
thanks for sharing!
hugs, svenja
That wall covering is very sweet!
Nordic design, I love it! Nice living and dining area.
Those green vases are fantastic!
Wow, what a beautiful home! It is so beautiful decorated. x
Kate {Something Fabulous}
I love the massive window and the A-frame ceiling!
Any Finn would love to have this barn! :)
What a beautiful place!!!!
Love it
This is my favorite blog. You have an exquisite eye.