Exclusive Preview: The New Issue of “EST magazine” ♥ Ексклузивен поглед към новото издание на “списание ЕСТ”
I have great news for all the people like me who are interested in design and interior:
Tomorrow, the lovely EST magazine launches their new, 6th issue. Because you are special to me and because from EST were very kind I will show you an exclusive preview of the gems you will find inside this time.
And this is not all!
I talked with their creative director Lynda Evans as I was really curious to learn who stays behind the scenes of such a wonderful magazine, what they like and what their plans for the future.
It was really interesting to me and I hope it will be to you too.
79 ideas: Can you tell me more about the idea of EST?
Lynda Evans: Est Magazine came about in mid 2010 when I began working on a new website for Sian MacPhersons interior design business. Sian and I were looking for inspiration online and we were researching new digital publishing techniques. We realised there was a lack of quality, original content being created for the digital space and knew we had the right mix of skills to curate and publish a digital magazine with a unique Australian flavour.
79 ideas: How many people are needed to create a quality online magazine like EST?
Lynda Evans: To create each issue of est we seek out the creative genius of many talented freelance photographers, stylists, writers and trend spotters from around the world. The next issue sees or biggest and most generous collaborative team yet. At last count there were about 25 on the team. We are extremely grateful to a staunch group of extremely generous contributors who continue to contribute beautiful stories issue after issue – they know who they are – without them Est Magazine would not exist.
79 ideas: Why online actually? Why didn’t you choose the old-fashioned format and the glossy paper?
Lynda Evans: Sian and I joked about having far too many magazines taking up space and collecting dust. It wasn’t just us it was our mums and girlfriends too. We could see that an online publishing revolution was occurring due to the closure of many print magazines, the rise of blogs and the launch of the iPad.
79 ideas: I know that the main idea of EST is to inspire people all over the word. But where you find your source of inspirations? Is it a place, design, stylist, photographer?
Lynda Evans: I’m inspired by successful creative people like photographers, architects and designers. I look to art, books, film for inspiration. I’m also inspired by travelling to different cities. I lived in Copenhagen for four years and I got birds eye view into a society that takes design very seriously and nurtures its young talent. I was inspired daily by a marvellous group of photographers: Jacob Gils, Stephan Schnedler, Kristine Funch, Mikkel Hvilshøj, Lea Jessen, Jens Langkjaer, Sidsel Jul, Lene Kronow, Emilia Therese and Stine Munk Engberg Simonsen. Plus I got to rub shoulders with the who’s who of Scandinavian style and design Dyher Hagen, Dansk Magazine, Hartmanns, IC Companys, Gubi, Group 88, BIG, SCKM, Muuto, Illums Bolighus.
The 6th issue of EST, whose cover was made by the talented Toby Scott, goes out tomorrow. You can subscribe here.
Привет, как сте днес? Аз имам чудесни новини за всички, които като мен се интересуват от дизайн и интериор и бързам да ви ги съобщя. Утре излиза новият брой на прекрасното онлайн списание от Австралия ЕST. И тъй като сте специални за мен ще имате възможността първи да научите малка част от прекрасностите, които можете да откриете в списанието в снимки. И това съвсем не е всичко. Аз си поговорих с ЕST и тяхнта креативна директорка Lynda Evans, защото ми беше изключително любопитно да науча кои са всички, които движат това прекрасно списание, какво харесват и къде искат да отидат с него.
Интервюто можете да прочетете по-горе, а ако желаете да следите редовно новините около ЕST, ви препоръчвам да се абонирате оттук.
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LOVE Est magazine – so cool.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend Radostina,
Oh, thank you Anya :). I hope you are feeling just great :).
Hugs, Radostina
I love Est magazine, thansk for sharing