Lovely Furniture with Bohemian Touch ♥ Красиви мебели с бохемски привкус
“The Family Love Tree” is an Australian shop, which offers very interesting products for the home, inspired by the Indonesian culture. The designer is the stylist Katie Graham from Melbourne and together with her husband they share the vision that the home should be simple but colorful and joyful.
Therefore amongst their products you can feel the bohemian of the rattan furniture, beautiful textile and handmade accessories.
“The Family Love Tree” е австралийски магазин, който предлага много интересни продукти за дома вдъхновени от Индонезийската култура. Дизайнерката и стилистка от Мелбърн Katie Graham и нейния съпруг, които са собственици споделят философията, че домът трябва да предлага семплост, цветове и забава. Затова и сред продуктите им се открива бохемския дух на ратановите мебели, красиви платове и ръчнонаправени аксесоари.
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Wow looks amazing!
Crispy white with both bright and soft colours is a beautiful combination. Those are real statement pieces of furniture!
Sorry to say this but you really should clean the lenses before taking pictures. Half the photos have a black spot in the top middle.
lovely indeed!
These designs are really nice. These type of furniture are quite common and popular these days. Rattan furniture is quite popular among my customers and their demand is very high. I was thinking of adding some nice designs in my collection. Thanks for the post.