The Home of the Fashion Designer // Домът на модния дизайнер
This beautiful home in Los Angeles is a charming mix of rustic design scheme and influences of modernity. The owner – the fashion designer Heidi Merrick decorated it in a way that every single corner of the house has a special charm and a character.
Този просторен дом в Лос Анджелис е чаровна смесица от рустикална дизайн схема и модерно влияние. Собственичката – модната дизайнерка Heidi Merrick е декорирала мястото така, че всяко ъгълче от къщата да има свой собствен чар и характер.
via: glitter guide
I will repeat, but your blog is great!
Beautiful photos as always, I wonder how you manage to find so many :)
I don't think you know me but I've been following your blog for some time and I've given you a little award over on my blog here:
Hope you like the idea and keep it going :)
xx Caro
That kitchen is a dream!
I love the cowhide rugs and the patio chair!
Oh My!!! This entire house if PERFECTION. I love everything about it…I want to move in. I wonder where in LA it is.
I would like to know where to buy that gold standing three-lamp found in the office room (I think). It's lovely!