Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone // Да излезеш от комфортната си зона
Today I’ve had a more exciting Sunday than usual because with my friend Dana we organized some small photo shoot in my bedroom.
I usually don’t shoot people. They move too fast, make faces and talk a lot :) – I just can’t capture them in the way I want. I recently attended “Christina Greve Master Class” and thanks to my wonderful teacher Christina Greve I am more determined to step out of my comfort zone (shooting flowers and objects).
I tortured Dana for 2 hours – first she had to endure my make-up skills, then my diffident posing instructions. I am sure I still have to learn a lot, but I believe that one can achieve anything with the necessary dose of determination. It is important to overcome your fears and make the first step.
I am curious, how often do you step out of your comfort zone?
Днес беше малко по-вълнуваща неделя от обикновено, защото с моята приятелка Дана си организирахме малка фотосесия у дома в спалнята.
Обикновено аз не снимам хора. Те мърдат твърде бързо, правят физиономии и говорят много :) и аз просто не успявам да ги заснема по начина, по който бих искала. Наскоро аз се включих в “Christina Greve Master Class” и благодарение на моят страхотен учител Christina Greve аз съм по-решена да изляза от своята комфортна зона да снимам цветя и предмети. Аз измъчвах моята приятелка Дана повече от два часа – първоначално тя трябваше да изтърпи неловките ми опити да я гримирам, а след това и да преживее моите наставления относно позирането.
Сигурна съм, че имам още много да се уча, но вярвам че човек може да постигне всичко с необходимата доза усърдие и целеустременост. В този смисъл е важно да пребориш страховете си и да направиш първата малка крачка. Аз днес направих своята.
Любопитно ми е, колко често вие излизате извън своята комфортна зона?
images: radostina
There you go girl! The results are great and this is just your first attempt?! You're talented Raru and very inspirational =)
Well done Radostina, I love the soft effect…you inspire me to step out of my comfort zone!! xx debra
ps the pug is so gorgeous
Thank you sweet Eleni for the support :) It means a lot to me.
Hugs from Prague,
Thank you Debra for your lovely comment :) I hope you will have a great new week.
Hugs from Prague,
Wonderful photo shoot, Radostina!I agree with you. I believe sometimes it takes time to get out of our comfort zone but once we stop doubting ourselves and decide to take the first step and break out of it, everything becomes new, pretty and more interesting! KUDOS TO YOU!
Wishing you a lovely week ahead :)
Love these pictures!
beautiful pictures! and this dog… :D
The pictures are great! I think I never go out of my comfort zone…but after seeing your results I should consider it seriously!!
Photos are beautiful…and I can(in more modest way)understand you…Ihad to make photos of a friend while she was pregnand and I am not the kind of people taking photos…but well as she was not the kind of model person…were quite ok.
And love the first phrase…could resume my moment nowadays…looking for something new, out of the day by day work for the last 12 years…
Great pictures ! the light is so nice. Very good job ! Getting out of your comfort zone was a great challenge and you made it ! Congrats !!
Radostina, it´s perfect work!