Cozy home with vintage finds // Уютен дом пълен с винтидж находки
I’ve always admired houses which besides being fashionable and comfortable have a lot of history in the form of memories, furniture and vintage finds. This here is one of them. I really like the working area here and the living room where you can see beautiful vintage chairs of Sirocco by Arne Norells and a leather version of the Seven chairs of Arne Jacobsen.
Винаги съм харесвала къщи, които освен че са модерни и уютни носят в себе си много история, под формата на спомени, мебели и винтидж находки. Тази тук е една от тях. Изключително много харесвам тук работната стая и всекидневната, в които можете да видите прекрасните винтидж столове Sirocco на Arne Norells и кожен вариант на столовете Seven на Arne Jacobsen.
images: skona hem
Amazing table and very nice leather chairs on first picture.
I love this style home!!!
Oh, this is my favorite part of the house too. The chairs are leather version of the Seven chairs of Arne Jacobsen. :)
Thank you for taking the time and leave me a comment :)
Hugs from Prague,
So crisp and neat. Love the chairs in the first few ones.
Very chis and warm.
I love the idea of dressing a wall with book covers and the face cushin.
That marble topped table is amazing…love all the other rooms as well..and yes your blog too…some of the best images on the internet..great work! xx meenal