Few visual ideas how to use a workbench in your home
If you are big fan of the old raw wood and you want to add this beautiful texture in your home here is a great idea that I noticed some time ago. Using a workbench as a table. I have always been attracted by the beautiful industrial workbenches and here I collect for you few visual examples how you can do it in your home: in the bathroom or in the entrance and even in the bar as the Romanian architect Corvin Cristian did.
The raw wood adds a very special warmth and industrial touch in the interior and could be a really interesting detail and
Ако и вие като мен сте голям почитател на красивото сурово дърво и искате да добавите неговата красива текстура в своя дом, ето ви една чудна идея, която забелязвам напоследък: използването на стар работен плот като маса. Аз лично винаги съм харесвала индустриалните маси и тук събрах няколко визуални примера, от които можете да се вдъхновите. Този тип работна маса би могла да се използва в банята, входа и дори в бар, както е направил румънският архитекст Corvin Cristian. Суровото дърво добавя много специална топлина в интериора и добавя индустриално докосване.
images: hans blomquist, corvin christian
That will be my work desk one day. Love it!
Workbenches remind me of my grandpa! He had one up on his terrace and I loved coming up and see all his tools and stuff. Beautiful post!
o oooooooooooooooooo I have workbench wich has been made by my grandfather ….and I have been thinking about it yet ..he,he …thanks for inspiration ……this with candleholders talk to me most !!!!!
Your blog is truly fabulous!
oh… me too :)))
i hope it will be very soon for you.
Industial is so perfect.
Woooow!!! Lovely candlehorners!!!
beautiful pictures!!!