The Colors of San Francisco
In less than a month I will pack my luggage, I’ll leave my poor fat Sam with my mum in Varna, because he can’t travel with me and will head to USA! And because of that I’m starting to look around for an interesting places to visit in this huge country. One of the cities that I would love to visit is the fairy San Francisco. And while I was searching for information about it I found the gorgeous pictures by Anne-Solange Tardy for Cachemire & Soie. What a wonderful colors this city has! So delicate and pastel that can’t wait to see it myself.
Приблизително след около месец ще стегна багажа си, ще оставя кученцето си на сигурно място при майка ми във Варна и ще отлетя за Америка. И с приближаването на август все повече започвам да се оглеждам за интересни места в тази така голяма държава. Един от градовете, които много искам да посетя е приказния Сан Франциско. Докато търсех информация за този град попаднах на тези изключителни снимки направени от Anne-Solange Tardy за Cachemire & Soie. Какви прекрасни цветове има само този град? Толкова нежни и пастелни, че нямам търпение да ги усетя и видя.
via: sf girl by bay photography: anne-solange tardy
I don't know why , but my travel's dreams never inclued USA.. but for this city I would make an exception :)
This year we are doing a road trip in California which will include San Fransico:) apparently the city is amazing and I am so looking forward to discovering its very interesitng culture! Keep posting great photos as the ones above!
Love all the colors! I Can't wait to visit, i am hoping to make a trip this fall!
I love San Francisco! I'm fortunate to live in CA so have visited the city many times.
San fRAncisco looks wonderful! I would love to go there sometime!
How lovely to see some gorgeous colorful photos of the city! So many times photographers just go with the obvious black and white and greys that they city seems to instill. Love these!
Great photos! Love this city.
♥ kristen ♥
Love it! I would love to be there….now!
its a bright city! I would love to go there one day!
You are welcome to see another side of the bay and visit my cabin on the water, twenty minutes north of the Golden Gate Bridge. It's on the way to the wine country…
I love San Fran – so eclectic
Yeah, one of the must-see-places in my list, too! :)
Lovely photos. Have fun planning your trip!
Have a splendid trip! Your blog is my favorite. Always unique and beautiful spaces that I don't see elsewhere. — Holland in So Cal
I just discovered your blog and I'm so happy you want to visit my city :) Definitely visit the Castro and Alamo Square for colorful Victorian houses, plus more in Pacific Heights. Chinatown is also very colorful. Have a fantastic trip to the US!
I want to wander the streets already! The colours are so warm and welcoming, I love it!