Delicious Autumn Ideas
The autumn could be felt in the air already, especially during the cold mornings and the windy afternoons. That’s the time when the pears ripen and here are few delicious ideas what you can do with them. The great photos and the advices are by the fantastic photographer Anna Kern.
Есента вече се усеща във въздуха, в хладните утрини и ветровитите следобеди. Точно по това време узряват крушите и ето няколко чудесни и вкусни идеи какво може да се направи с тях. Прекрасните снимки и предложения идват от фантастичната фотографка Ана Керн.
photography: Anna Kern
Everything looks so delicious!
Yes, really inspiring photos by Anna Kern. I love them!
Yummie…so delicious pictures!
Оооо, да, круши със синьо сирене – прекрасно!
ммм… какая вкуснятина!!!
oooooo so yummy…….And pictures are great !!!
I wanna show you something :))))
there are some apples on a wire ,too :))) if you wish look for :)greetings!!!
oh no I wish show you my wreath and then apples on wire !!!:)))))))
So beautiful pictures!! That salad looks delicious! Thanks for sharing them.
Oooohhh all looks sooo yummy!!!!!!
Lovely pictures:
Have a nice day
Beautiful… lovely presentation!
Oh my…!
Cute ideias!