i decided to dedicate a blog post, full of inspirations, to him – the stylish man.
what makes a guy stylish?is it possible to learn to be stylish or you are just born with that?
those were the questions in my mind and I gathered some answers with these wonderful photos. They represent my view of a stylish man. what is yours?
and how important is for you that your partner has the same taste as yourself?
реших да посветя днешния пост пълен с вдъхновения на него – стилния мъж. какво прави един мъж стилен? стилът възпитава ли се или се раждаш такъв?
зачудих се и събрах няколко отговори чрез тези прекрасни фотографии. това е моята представа за мъж със стил.
а каква е вашата? и колко важно е човекът до вас да има вкус, който и вие споделяте?
one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen / fifteen / sixteen
Absolutely beautiful pictures, amazing style…..Fortunately my husband has a nice style :)
Absolutely amazing!
So Manly…LOVE ALL the photos!
The wall color is the best, too.
Really great mix ! So masculine…
Hugs from Poland
I would love one of that for me ;)
Do you know one free?
very, very beautiful … *.*