oh, have you seen what beauty was created by karen mordechai and her gorgeous team from sunday suppers for the special celebration of the publication of the book of kinfolk magazine. I spied it on instagram and today, when karen posted photos on her blog, I’m in a ruah to show you some of them – the rest can be found on the sunday suppers’ website. It is so amazing how much beauty can be found in seemingly simple things.
ох, видяхте ли каква красота са сътворили karen mordechai и екипа и от sunday suppers за специалната вечеря по случай издаването на книгата на списание кинфолк. аз шпионирах снимките и в инстаграм и днес, когато карен публикува снимките в блога си, бързам да ви покажа част от тях – останалите можете да откриете на страницата на sunday suppers. толкова красота се съдържа в на пръв поглед семплите неща.
photography: karen mordechai
wow, that is just gorgeous. I dined at Sunday Suppers last summer and they always manage to transform that space into something incredible
The quote by Cesar Chavez is SO true! Lovely post!
Such a beautiful setup!
I love this. I live near cesar chavez park!
the hanging leaves are so brilliant! earthy, yet stylish.
lovely, gentle. I like it really!
I like saturation in this pictures