Do you feel the first signs of the autumn already? It will be my first one in California but somehow I feel that the mornings are colder already, the apples are more delicious, the leaves – brown and that specific smell in the air… Ah. And how about a small inspirational board to celebrate the upcoming season?
For some people the end of the summer is a bit depressive and sometimes brings dark, nostalgic mood. For me the new season is charming, cozy and delicate. Oh and I love the colors. How about you?
For me Autumn is the most beautiful season! I like everything you wrote about,and I also feel something special in the air and in my heart,when Autumn comes to our town. I never knew how it is like to feel depressed during tthis season, as my mind starts to work faster due to inspiration around. ;)) That's really great time of the year!
In Australia we're heading into Spring, and it's about this time of year I get jealous of the other side of the world that are going into Autumn! It's such a beautiful time of year :)
Bramble & Thorn
I love the beginning of Autumn, with colorful foliage, pumpkin spice latte, warm sweaters with light dresses.. beautiful sunsets and as you noticed that smell in the air…
Thank you for inspiration
I'mm ready to turn off the air conditioning and throw on a sweater. Summer has been a long one in California this year.
The way you express yourself through your photos or texts is sooooo… sooooo… sooo "I love them all" thing for me! Have a cozy autumn!!!
This feels like Autumn.
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First off, I want to welcome you to your first Fall in California. It is indeed a beautiful time. Though it's still a bit warm in the afternoons, the early mornings and late nights kinda give you the feel of the upcoming season. Before, I get sad whenever summer is coming to an end but recently, I've been excited for the cozy days to start.
Благодаря ти, Радостина, за прекрасните снимки, които слагаш тук, за чувствителността и финеса, струящи от тях, за настроенията и размислите, които те пораждат!
Есента е тъжен сезон. най-тъжният, за мен. Идва с усещане за край, за загуба; навява носталгия и меланхолия. Носталгия по тръпнещите надежди на пролетта и горещото безгрижие на лятото. Намаляването на продължителността на деня е, може би, първият признак на есента в зародиш. Дадох си сметка за това тази година, за първи път, когато установих, че сенките по обед падат различно, не както през юни. За мое голямо учудване и лек ужас, това се случи още в средата на юли. Нима е толкова кратък периодът на еуфория и вяра в утрото, на безцеремонна радост и безгрижие? Май се налага да приема, че животът ми клони към залез.