Si was very kind to let me capture for you few corners of her beautiful home. The living area, the dining room and the master bedroom all have perfect combinations of textiles, wood, great design pieces and furniture and light.
Which room you like the most?
Днешната ни разходка е много специална. Това е един от най-стилните домове, които аз изобщо съм виждала. Пълен с фантастични неща и много съкровища, подреден с много вкус. Честна дума. Тази къща в Сан Франциско е домът на един от най-популярните интериорни блогъри в момента. Си е човек с изключително много качества. Няма да ги изброявам всичките, а бих искала да обърна внимание на стилът и. И няма как иначе – произхожда от Франция и обожава дизайна, антиките, модата и топлите цветове. Освен всичко това момичето зад French by Design изключително вдъхновяваща личност и аз съм много щастлива да бъде мой приятел. Си беше така мила да ми разреши да поснимам специално за вас някой ъгълчета на дома и. Всекидневната, трапезарията и главната спалня – всички са чудесна комбинация от текстил, дърво и светлина. Коя е вашето любимо кътче?
Beautiful! Si has such a great taste!
Wish I could just have coffee with both of you ladies! Such a fun meetup :)
Oh, hey Eleni.
I would love to…. So grab few clothes and come. San Francisco now is so beautiful :).
Me encanta como resulta la combinación blanco+madera; es sobria pero acogedora, elegante y cálida… es perfecta!!!!
El mobiliario entero de esta casa es una envidia…
It's a perfect combination of colors and materials and feels incredibly comfortable. Si has really good taste, and so do you, Radostina!
This was a really good post!
Wow, thank you Marta. :) Happy that you like it.
oh, yes, the combination white and wood is just to die for. :) totally agree with you.
Je ne me lasse pas de voir ton appartement, c'est magnifique et d'un goût très sûr. Je n'avais pas remarqué le petit fauteuil mordoré les autres fois, je l'adore, peut-être est-il nouveau ? j'aime bien la touche bleue du fauteuil Tulipe qui rappelle les bouquins sur l'étagère. Bravo, et continue à nous offrir de belles idées
hey Pascale, you know that this is not my home right? I just photographed it. But I will send your lovely comment to Si.
thank you for visiting :)
I personally like the dining set. It looks really simple but is appealing to the eyes and it is really elegant. It can have a lot of uses. Thanks for publishing the pictures.
Great taste and eye for details, it was a pleasure to look at these photos! If I see such interiors, I’m always wondering where to get such unique pieces (for example all the furniture). I’m not an interior designer so my resources end somewhere around IKEA and some dusty, traditional flea markets (or at least we have only those ones in Vancouver). Am I missing something? Is there a secret for those who want to have something unique but cannot spend a fortune on a single piece? Please, share some tips :)
Hi, Clairie. Actually I was planning to add more DIY on the blog very soon. Will try to make something especially for you.
Thanks for finally talking about >THE BEAUTIFUL HOME OF SI / FRENCH BY DESIGN BLOG <Liked it!
Big fan of French By Design and Si, love reading her posts and enjoyed seeing her uber-stylish home. Thank you!